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Greetings! I am a Clairsentient with over 20 years professional experience offering many different spiritual services. The techniques and modalities I use when working with others for spiritual transformation include, but are not limited to, guided meditation, astrology, tarot, chakra balancing, aura cleansings, sexual alchemy, cord work, pranic breathwork, dream analysis, telepathic heart therapy, psychic development, and an array of other individualized spiritual sessions.

I've broadcasted with many online spiritual communities such as Oranum, Psychic Oz, Bitwine, and others. I also have private, personal clientele all over the world. Kundalini Awakened over 16 years, I'm familiar with the awakening processes and stages as they relate to psychic development and progression. Deeply versed in the studies of spiritual
ideology and philosophy, I practice my gift as a lifestyle. I believe that everyone has varied talents that expand with time, practice, and evolution. I utilize multiple tools, and at times, I have no need for tools. Although I am medium, I choose not to call myself one. I consider myself a "reformed Wiccan and/or pagan." A Lightworker/Starseed who has reached my Akashic Records, I only work directly with the higher galactic light and spirit realm. As a Practitioner and healer with combined abilities and gifts, I help clients assist themselves in the process of their own transformation, psychic change, and awakening.