People often invade the space of those they try to help. It happens in many situations, both everyday and psychic. When nations do this, a war often ensues. When done by people, this is many times justified as “help”. The patterns of intrusiveness are learned. Most people are told from an early age what to do, and in turn, they know to tell others what to do. Giving advice is often accompanied by judgment. Usually, the person receiving advice is made to feel as if it were wrong. There may also be warnings of severe consequences. The one who gives the advice feels superior or influences the one who receives it. Perhaps the recipient feels confused about acting and seems to accept being told what to do gladly. Very often, even a usually cautious individual will seek the advice of others if certain information warns him of treachery or other troubling news. There is a misunderstood concept that interfering with this kind of free advice is being thoughtful.
To act for the best good of all, an intuitive person approaches psychic gifts, making them available and others’ space, as sacred. Borders are respected. There is respect for all life and the desire to create a positive force. There is a reminder that each person is Divine and has their own unique and personal path. Judgment towards others does not enter into sensitive sessions. It is not for the psychic to give directions to others, tell people what to do, or create emotional situations based on the fear that will force the listener to return for further sessions.